About the Foundation

The Dawson Education Foundation was established in 2024 by the Board of Directors.

The foundation was created as a supplemental means to provide funds for various projects at the school. We believe that funding projects at our school provides benefits for both our students and faculty and the community of Welch. Our little community has a small population and besides the post office and our local churches, the school is the heart of our community. Its betterment directly impacts those who may or may not even have students at the school at the moment. This foundation wants to help our students and community thrive, instead of just survive like many small towns are being forced to do.

The means by which we plan on doing this is to fundraise through innovative and community inspiring events that do the double duty of raising money and bringing the community together socially. With the funds we raise, we have many projects in mind, such as a new STEM lab, renovations to the facilities, grants to teachers who have ideas they want to implement, and the list goes on. Please check out our Potential Projects page to see some things we have in mind.

When you donate to the Foundation, you can know that the money will go directly to bettering the community of Welch.

The Board of Directors

From L to R:

Rusty Oaks

Jamie Crockett

Gary Jones

Erika Brown

Nick Jolley

Susie DelaRosa

Abel Rodriguez